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Malay-Muslim unity govt looks likely in near future

Under Mahathir today, there are 5 Chinese ministers and 8 Chinese deputy ministers. Under Abdullah Badawi in 2004, there were 6 Chinese ministers and 12 Chinese deputy ministers — see full list below.

Imagine … DAP fought the elections so hatefully and viciously only for the Chinese community’s political capital to diminish after the much hyped victory of ‘Hope’.
Harapan: 5, 8
BN: 6, 12

Khairy Jamaluddin in his tweet (below) said that the no-party, non-MP Menteri Perpaduan Waythamoorty has succeeded in uniting the rakyat to reject him [Waytha personally as cabinet minister] vis-a-vis the Seafield temple riots incident.

The bigger picture really is that the death of fireman Muhammad Adib Kassim during the riot has successfully united Malay Muslim parties Pribumi, Umno and PAS, including activist NGOs like Isma that possess some measure of political clout – see tweet below – to rally around the “Islamic agenda”.

Previously, the BN government straddled race and religion by coalescing Umno, MCA and MIC as well as the Sabah Sarawak parties representing native Christians.

The current Mahathir regime, for now, cuts across race and religion lines but there is no guarantee that an administration formed instead along race and religion lines will not be the shape of things to come.

Woof, woof

The Harapan government replicates the BN race model with DAP playing the new “running dog” – using the Dapsters’ most favourite description – role of MCA 2.0 in New Malaysia.

Out of DAP’s 42 parliamentarians, 32 MPs are Chinese whereas only one MP in the party is Malay, i.e. Tengku Zulpuri. Few Malay voters are convinced that the DAP actually represent their vital interests although membership of the party is open to all races.

Now let’s compare how many Chinese ministers and deputies were/are appointed respectively in the Umno-led vs Pribumi-led administrations.
Abdullah Badawi cabinet 2004

Source: https://m.malaysiakini.com/news/19324

  1. Ong Ka Ting (Housing)
  2. Lim Keng Yaik (Energy)
  3. Chan Kong Choy (Transport)
  4. Fong Chan Onn (Human Resources)
  5. Peter Chin Fah Kui (Plantation & Commodities)
  6. Dr Chua Soi Lek (Health)

  1. Tan Chai Ho (Home Affairs)
  2. Chia Kwang Chye (Internal Security)
  3. Ng Yen Yen (Finance)
  4. Robert Lau Hoi Chew (Housing)
  5. Donald Lim Siang Chai (Information)
  6. Kerk Choo Ting (Agriculture)
  7. Kong Cho Ha (Science & Tech)
  8. Wong Kam Hoong (Arts & Culture)
  9. Ong Tee Keat (Youth & Sports)
  10. Mah Siew Keong (International Trade & Industry)
  11. Hon Choon Kim (Education)
  12. Fu Ah Kiow (Higher Education)
At the height of Chinese support for BN in the 11th general election, they were rewarded with six Chinese ministers and twelve Chinese deputy ministers.

At the height of Chinese support for Harapan in the 14th general election, Dapsters got themselves five Chinese ministers, eight Chinese deputy ministers … and the 25-year-old Pribumi hotshot — the posing topless Syed Saddiq landing his first full-time job, one as a full cabinet minister.
Mahathir cabinet 2018

Source: http://www.kabinet.gov.my/bkpp/

  1. Lim Guan Eng (Finance)
  2. Anthony Loke (Transport)
  3. Yeo Bee Yin (Energy)
  4. Teresa Kok (Primary Industries)
  5. Liew Vui Keong (Law)


  1. Lee Boon Chye (Health)
  2. Sim Tze Sin (Agriculture)
  3. Liew Chin Tong (Defence)
  4. Hannah Yeoh (Women & Family)
  5. Steven Sim (Youth & Sports)
  6. Ong Kian Ming (International Trade & Industry)
  7. Teo Nie Ching (Education)
  8. Chong Chieng Jen (Domestic Trade)

Difference between MCA 2004 and DAP 2018
The screenshot above shows a Mercedes bearing the number plate DAP165 or DAPigs, referring to DAP pigs. It was the politically incorrect scene from last year’s patriotic movie Malay Regiment that ended up on the cutting room floor following an outcry.

“Dapigs” is a common slur. Unlike Dapsters, MCA supporters are not popularly known as MCA pigs.

The ABCD (Asal Bukan Cina DAP) boycott campaign was recently reactivated after Adib’s death in Seafield. It is modelled after ABU (Asal Bukan Umno), a movement created to vilify anybody to do with Umno. There is no equivalent ‘Asal Bukan Cina MCA’ groundswell sentiment among Malay social activists.

DAP politics has elicited vitriolic name-calling with insults like “Cina babi”, “Cina pukimak” and other expletives that have become rife in the social media. Comparatively MCA politics has caused a certain degree of negativity in the Malay public but not to the extent of DAP politics.

This could also be that the Harapan component party is almost universally viewed as “biaDAP” and hence, the verbal abuse hurled at DAP merely mirrors the curses that are often heaped by Dapsters on Umno and PAS supporters.

BELOW: The Twitter account Fahmi Reza @kuasasiswa, with 45,600 followers, could be just be trolling but nevertheless its tweet serves to illustrate the kind of fear-mongering rhetoric directed at “Bangsa DAP” 

While pro-DAP cybertroopers are universally recognized for their viciousness, there are hardly any MCA cytros to be heard of actively operating in our political eco system. Usually it is only MCA vice president Ti Lian Ker shouting into the wind.

The term ”Bangsa DAP” emerged prominently in the prelude to the mammoth anti-Icerd demonstration. “Bangsa DAP” alludes to the enemy race. There is no Bangsa MCA.

MCA and Gerakan are moderate. The 95 percent Chinese vote going to Harapan in GE14 is an extreme percentage. In the past, there were Chinese both in the opposition and the ruling party. Today there is no longer any check-and-balance to the Chinese political thrust.

Many will rejoice to see DAP cast aside into political wilderness

Lim Kit Siang staunchy refutes that his party is now MCA Mark Two.

He claims too that DAP is not afraid of quitting the Harapan government. While it is enlightening to learn that such a measure has figured – whether seriously or not – in the DAP’s calculation, many political observers however believe the DAP top leadership is too power hungry to consider withdrawing.

Lim Guan Eng’s Finance Ministry is a plum post but it is diluted by Azmin Ali’s powers as Economic Affairs Minister. The diminution of Guan Eng’s portfolio still does not insulate the job from being presented to him as a poisoned chalice though.

“DAP leaders will never be as spineless as MCA leaders,” said Lim Kit Siang (… err, snakes don’t have a spine, Uncle Kit) 

Bodek, jangan tak bodek kuat-kuat
The ‘112’ math for obtaining a simple majority in parliament remains up in the air. Nonetheless it all boils down to which Malay-Muslim team can tally up to the magic number without requiring DAP’s bloc of 42 seats.

There are several permutations for the Pribumi, Umno, PKR splinter and PAS united numbers to reach 112 in the absence of DAP participation. This ‘perpaduan ummah’ move is not impossible to conceive as DAP has after all made so many enemies plus they are so widely hated.

If the Malay Muslims succeed in forming the next government along race and religion lines, the Chinese community will, for the first time, be left out in the cold. DAP sows the wind, Chinese reap the whirlwind. Only DAP could have made Malay unity happen.


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